Tag Archives: Bench Press

3 New PR’s

28 Sep

Thanks Jim Beebe for putting in the extra time this morning to help me knock out 3 new PR’s: Bench-press 110#, Overhead Squat 110#, Front Squat 175#.#CFUTestingWeek — at Crossfit Unbreakable.


Proof I’ve been putting in the work!

10 Apr

Bitchmark Goals

25 Feb

I have mastered the “get off your ass challenge” and I have been getting 4 or more days a week of CrossFit, walking, jogging, running, or active recovery consistently for the past 3 weeks.


I have a new goal that I am starting this week!


I want to be a Girl Gone Strong!  My husband, the personal trainer, has convinced me that the foundation for all of the progress that I want to make will come from strength gains. i e Back Squat, Front Squat, Strict Press, Bench PressDeadlift, and Pull-ups. After I have my Bitchmark Baseline, to work on these I will need to “hit” a press, squat, deadlift, and pull-up every week by doing a strength WOD 3×5 each.

This week my goal is:  

To measure my benchmarks for all of my core lifts.


I don’t mind strength training and I have adopted the philosophy that men and women should train the same which doesn’t include wimpy little dumbbells! After I have the starting point for all of these, the goal that logically follows is to get stronger and more adept at performing each of these lifts.

I have been searching for some new goals especially since I did not meet my February challenge to eat “on plan” for 6 days a week and to “get active” 4 days a week. It ended after few bad eating days around week 2, so no full-body massage for me :(.

Instead of throwing in the towel I have just revamped my fitness efforts and admit that my diet has suffered. I have taken a somewhat “fuck it” attitude with my food plans THAT WILL NEED TO BE ADDRESSED!

Slim or Strong?

I never really saw strength training as a means to accomplish my goals of being fit trim and sexy. I thought about cardio burning fat and the absence of fat making me thin. THEN once there was a snowball’s chance in hell that I would be able to SEE the muscles that would be forming from my “toning” efforts I would start doing more strength training. Yes, yes, I know that muscle burns fat and that by doing strength training I would reach my goals faster but overall it just seemed overwhelming and like a vicious cycle.


Trainer/Husband Mark finally broke it down for me in a way that just clicked and it has been very motivational for me this month-

His rational is that by focusing on these specific core strength and weight lifting areas (on top of my other workouts) that I will be able to make performance gains much faster. And why do I care about performance gains? Because, dip shit (talking to myself here), the more you are able to do- ex. complete the WOD as prescribed the more of a workout you are getting and the more progress you will see! EURIKA!!! Thus by working on strength and performance I will reach the desired end result much faster and have a lot more positive reinforcement in the form of knowthing that I am getting better, stronger, and hitting PR‘s on the journey. DING DING DING!?!?!

His advice is that these 4 – 1) squat, 2) press, 3) deadlift, and 4) pull-ups, will make me better at pretty much every other exercise I try. So, without having to work on Thrusters, Cleans, Snatchs, etc. that when I go to attempt them I will be able to start at a higher level because it will be more about learning the technique. The foundation for lifting heavier will already be there. Therefore, I will be able to make faster gains in these areas too!

I like doing better, faster don’t you?!?!?!

Ergo, the new goal.

I want to measure my baseline for all these exercises and I guess I should see where I stand on the olympic lifts too in order to see if I get better at them without working on them… hummmm . 🙂 Posts this week and maybe the next few will include the baseline numbers while working on this goal!

I’m excited to see what I am capable of and to be able to track myself getting stronger!

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