Tag Archives: sick

When to Rest and When to Work

11 Oct

Yesterday I wasn’t feeling well.

Sick or Lazy?

I debated but took taking the day off from gym and decided to take care of myself- drank lots of water and went to bed early.

Today I was better but not 100%. I went anyway. Pushed through it and had the second fastest WOD time of the day! (for ladies.) I know I post a lot of gym stuff on here but I think a lot of times “life imitates art” (as in CrossFit art!)


Listen to your body but don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable. No one ever became great staying in their comfort zone.

Desperately Seeking Endorphins

1 Feb

Today is definitely one of the reasons I’m fat.

I love to exercise and eat right when all of the planets are aligned, fresh healthy food is ripe and prepared for me, and the sun guides my way through a meandering path next to a waterfall. Today there is a high of 18, low of 9 and I have a sinus infection. (Thanks Indiana)


Haven’t felt like eating much but lunch was amazing. Smoked salmon, red and orange bell peppers, feta, tomatoes, spinach and romaine lettuce, pepperoncinis, and lite Italian dressing.


Smoked Salmon and Feta Salad

I Need a Fix!

It was so cold and the sun streaming through the window and onto the floor looked so appealing that I just had to bask in it for a while! It was the best idea I have had all day. It wrapped me in it’s warm blankety goodness and the color on the inside of my eyelides was spectactular! I needed some vitamin D in my life.


Indoor Sun Bathing is the New Fad!

Er.. Exercise… !

Figuring out what to do for fitness will be the hard part but I am determined to DO SOMETHING. Often for me the just starting is the hardest part and I really want to be a bad ass when I grow up, so I have to go work on it.

Michael Lee Fitness

Cardio + Realistic Diet + Weight Training = Amazing Results!!!

Healthified Living

Where living healthier is made easy.


Jen's weight loss journey.


pfit • pfood • pfaith

Fit Girl

Be active. Enjoy Life. Maintain health.

Fit Chick by 40


Diary of a Personal Trainer

Blogging a personal journey to health and fitness

Happier, Healthier, More Fit Me

A Busy Mom's Journey to Better Health and Wellness


My personal revolution via the South Beach Diet

Mountains to Mats

The Modern Art of Muay Ski-Jitsu...

Kettlebells & Shotgun Shells

... That's what this girl is made of.


Ponderings of a confused mind

CrossFit Yucca Valley

Forging Elite Fitness

Fortitude CrossFit

Fortifying Elite Fitness

Fat to Fit with P90X

Documenting my P90X (P90 for now) journey one day at a time. Lets press play!

CrossFit Government Island

Always Fit... Always Ready!